“Improved attention to diet and nutrition may enhance Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) acceptability, adherence and effectiveness. ”
Food & Nutrition
AID Upstate food pantry stocks perishable and nonperishable foods for clients based on need. Food Pantry services are offered to supplement a client’s food supplies. This helps clients with limited access to food especially when they must take medications that require food. One food pantry order is available once a month to clients who meet certain income limits and medical and medical case management compliance criteria. An order includes a choice of canned or frozen meats and a selection of canned vegetables, side dishes, cereals, canned fruit, and canned soups to choose from as supplies allow. Items are chosen for their nutritional value as it relates directly to HIV and to HIV related medications. A few household items are sometimes available as well.
Clients must meet all of the following criteria:
Must receive $850 or less in total income monthly. If a client receives more than $850 per month in total income, a $75 income deduction from the total monthly income can be made for each dependent in the household. Individual income after deductions must not exceed $850, unless a financial emergency that warrants assistance with food is present.
Must have applied for SNAP benefits. If approved for benefits, clients must not receive more than $150 for an individual. A $75 food stamp deduction from the total monthly award can be made for each dependent in the household. Individual food stamp amount after deductions must not exceed $150. If SNAP benefits terminated because of failure to re-certify, the client must re-certify to meet this requirement. If denied SNAP for other reasons, a client may still receive food pantry through AU if they meet all other requirements.
Must have made all medical and medical case management appointments within the last 2 months or at minimum, the most recent ID or Primary Care appointment.
Must be looking for employment if not working; proof of job search will be required at each request. If unable to work, client must be seeking disability or Supplemental Security Income or receiving Social Security income not in excess of the limits specified above.
Must be up to date with medical case management file requirements, including a current and complete reassessment and mid-year review.
Must not have previously received (picked up) a food pantry order in the calendar month.
A list of community agencies that provide food will be provided to clients who do not meet our qualifications.